The camp was established for youth at two Roma churches in eastern Slovakia--one in Hlinne and one in Sabinov. About 20 kids were there, along with youth leaders and camp helpers. Each day began with breakfast and group Bible study, followed by small group times. Then there were great activities, more camp food (yum...), and a lesson from Scripture in the evenings around the campfire. Though large-group times were conducted in Slovak, much of the socializing among the teens was in Romani. What this meant was that the non-Roma helpers ended up in much the same position as me--in a state of minor culture shock. Still, the young people were happy to teach us Romani words and songs and made a point of including us in conversation. Some even put up with my bad Czech and were able to understand me! Some pictures are included below.
I was there as an "observer" rather than as a helper this time around. This gave me lots of opportunity for conversation and questions, and what I learned from the leaders, both Roma and non-Roma, encouraged and enriched me. For example, I was able to ask one of the youth leaders (who is also an elder of the church) in Sabinov about the history of their congregation, the challenges Roma believers face, and how I (and you) can pray for them. I have done a lot of reading about Roma people, but book-learning is nowhere near as valuable as hearing and seeing what is happening on the "front lines." I was deeply blessed by my conversation with this man, Marek Olah. How can we pray for Roma churches? Pray for:
- Discipleship that would break down the strongholds such as alcoholism and gambling that keep drawing people back
- Multiplication of Christian leaders and quality training for them
- Unity in the Body of Christ
- Clear priorities of loving and serving people in the name of Christ over building projects and church programming (which are still important and need to be balanced)
What a great week. Praise the Lord!
Ready for the evening program
On the steps of the cabin during free time, or around the campfire, or during a meal, or even during a hike, this guitar seemed to be always in use.
Some small group times