Thursday, October 25, 2007

Swimming through Gravy

This isn't going to be a long post, because there isn't much to report. This in-between time has been slow and messy (thus the title), and I am so eager to finish up here to be ready to be in the Czech Republic! Since I serve a God who can move mountains, let me share some of the mountains that need moving and invite you to approach the throne of grace with me to get these mountains moved.
1. Pray for the support team building to be completed quickly. I am looking for one more church (one more!) to join the team and help meet the last of the financial need.
2. Pray for encouragement and joy for me. I've been frustrated, which doesn't do much for me or my family. Pray that I would keep my eyes on the prize (not that last bit of support, much as it is needed, but on God's glory, which is the whole point, right?) I also need someplace to "office" for the duration--a quiet and peaceful place for getting some work done. Please pray for the provision of this simple but elusive need!
3. Pray for that last bit of support to be in soon. I am going to the Czech Republic at the end of November for some important meetings with my teammates and our partners. What a wonderful thing if I didn't need to come back to finish up support-team building after that!

Thanks, friends! May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus fill your hearts and minds (and mine, too) today.

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