Recent months have given so many new reasons (in addition to the abundant ever-present ones) to be thankful and to praise the Lord. Join me in rejoicing for:
- A VISA!!!!! I'm legal here till March 31, 2009.
- Unlooked-for and greatly blessed opportunities to share the gospel recently, and especially for delightful and growing relationships with two of my language partners (Karla and Monika)
- Growing relationships also with Czech ministry partners in Prague and Vlasim
- Progress--slow but steady--in language and culture learning
- The gift of refreshment and fellowship brought by some visitors from South Carolina (well, they were really visiting my colleague Mindy, but she very graciously shared them with me, and I was so blessed!)
The present and coming weeks present many opportunities to cast my anxieties on the Father who cares for me, as there is so much going on! Please pray for:
- Safe travel and a great and meaningful time at a Roma youth camp in Slovakia this week
- Wisdom about involvement in a program that ministers to impoverished children and street kids in Prague
- For the preparation of leaders and participants at upcoming outreach English camps (more details about these when I return from Slovakia). These camps are an outstanding opportunity to share Christ in a setting these kids love. Pray for much fruit this year!
- Continued language learning progress
- The well-being of my family (and my peace about being away from them through their difficulties)
- Improvement in the financial situation for me and all Christian workers in Europe, where the dollar continues to deteriorate in value
- That I would be continuing to draw near to God and set my priorities to reflect that Christ is at the center of my life
I love to hear from you!
Mailing Address:
Renee McLean
Srnci 2176/5
251 01 Ricany
Czech Republic
Skype: jrmclean1234
Skype phone (a US call!): 918-919-4575
Cell phone (an international call): 420 608 184 728
www.fortheromani. blogspot. com
If you would like to contribute to this work, gifts can be sent with a note designating them for account 1276 to
Attn: Donor Services
901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
Thank you for your prayers and support. They are a valuable part of all that I do here!
Seeking the Kingdom,
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